Invitation to the RHINOLOGY SUMMIT 2021
The symposium for rhinologists
Einladung zum Online RHINOLOGIE SUMMIT 2021
Now online
ENTstatistics SUMMIT 2021
Now as an online event
Are you interested in a structured documentation of ENT data and statistical parameters?
Then you should attend the RHINOLOGY-ENTstatistics SUMMIT. INNOFORCE invites you to join us on Friday 12th November at 6 pm. Do not miss this unique opportunity to experience how ENTstatistics and the Diagnostic Manager is utilized in the practice / clinic routine.
It would be a great pleasure for us if you’d be part of it and join RHINOLOGY-ENTstatistics SUMMIT. We look forward to the virtual common exchange of ideas.
The RHINOLOGY-ENTstatistics SUMMIT will be a mixture of the presentation of the ENT database and a common exchange. The purpose and objective of the RHINOLOGY SUMMIT is to bring current and future users of ENTstatistics together to promote exchange of experience.

M.Sc. ETH Christoph Wille
The official conference language is English and German.

at the practice Platzl in Munich
Have we sparked you interest?
Then register now for the RHINOLOGY SUMMIT and reserve your “virtual” access card for this future-oriented webinar. We will send you further information after successful registration.
Registrations are already accepted. Please register as soon as possible.

Prof Andreas Leunig
Munich, Germany

KD Dr Hans Rudolf Briner
Hirslanden Centre for Rhinology
Zurich, Switzerland

Dr Sebastian Rösch
University Hospital Salzburg
Salzburg, Austria

Prof Klaus Stelter
ENT Centre Mangfall-Inn
Rosenheim, Germany

M.Sc. ETH Christoph Wille
Ruggell, Liechtenstein

Dr Stefan Wilhelm
Ruggell, Liechtenstein
Look forward to a day full of innovations, entertainment and interesting virtual conversations as well as new suggestions and ideas that everyone is guaranteed to take home with them. For Friday, 12.11. at 6 pm the following programme schedule has been agreed with the scientific management:
6:00 pm
Welcome & Introduction
Prof Leunig (Munich)
Christoph Wille (INNOFORCE)
Moderation: Prof Leunig (Munich) & KD Dr Briner (Zurich)
6:05 pm
Presentation of ENTstatistics
Benefits based on a structured analysis (INNOFORCE, short demo of evaluations audiological/otological examinations)
Christoph Wille
Dr Stefan Wilhelm
6:15 pm
Data analysis with ENTstatistics
How can data be recorded efficiently?
Demonstration on PC/Tablet (Questionnaire functionality)
Prof Leunig (Munich)
6:30 pm
The “Rhino”-module in the clinic
Dr Roesch (Salzburg)
6:45 pm
Quality monitoring of rhinological procedures through systematic data collection
KD Dr Briner (Zurich)
7:00 pm
Application of the dashboard and the SNOT evaluation in everyday clinical practice
Prof Stelter (Rosenheim)
7:15 pm
Round Table: Conclusion, discussion and questions
Prof Leunig (Munich)
KD Dr Briner (Zurich)
7:45 pm
INNOFORCE get together
Christoph Wille
Dr Stefan Wilhelm

Christoph Wille
Ruggell, Liechtenstein

Dr. Stefan Wilhelm
Ruggell, Liechtenstein
Have we sparked your interest ?
Then register now for the RHINOLOGY SUMMIT and reserve your “virtual” access card for this future-oriented webinar. We will send you further information after successful registration.
Registrations are already accepted. Please register as soon as possible.